Pokemon sleep status catching
Pokemon sleep status catching

pokemon sleep status catching

Personally I almost never hunt, so I can't say anything regarding wild pokemon using sleep moves.Encountering rare and powerful Legendary Pokémon is one of Yawn is actually under powered in my opinion, I think 25% accuracy is too low, though I can understand why this is as it is given the powerful pokemon that learn it (kingdra, snorlax, slaking) Grass pokemon that use sleep moves are usually lacking agility or any speed increasing move, and can be easily out sped by the majority of their natural counters who are able to one hit them. Mostly you just need a spdef tank on your side, like snorlax because of the abundance of powerful, fast spdef users (kazam, espeon, starmie, gengar, jolteon). He might be faster than most pokemon, but requires luck to beat the majority of pokemon he faces, though I could see Saric's suggestion "1-4 or 5th gen standards at 1-3." being a compromise, and I doubt many would disagree to (though I think a minimum of 2 is fine, it'd be horrible to see a pokemon that's faster break on the second term and hypnosis being no use to the user). Well the most useful pokemon with this ability would be gengar, and I'd hardly call him OP. Then again, only Parasect and Breloom learn it, of which only Breloom is potentially used in PvP and has the power to actually kill teams. Spore is 100% accuracy, which is terrible an does lend one to think it is OP. You then have to explain how often these streaks happen, how they cannot be countered, and how we could balance that one move.if it's even worth the hassle to nerf it currently and then unnerf it when more updates come in.ĮDIT: Forgot to research spore. Pokes like Venu/Eggs would use these if they had a bad matchup and pray they got lucky.Īnd then you're left with the argument that sleep powder, NOT sleep, could be overpowered if somebody got on a luck streak. But, it also has a 1/4 chance to miss and is generally on slower pokes. The worse move is sleep powder, which you cannot type-resist. So I think there are definitely ways to wall these pokes unless you just get a bad/unlucky start. And eggs is, from what I have seen, fairly simple to counter/outspeed. Gengar and Garde aren't exactly tanks either, so a single miss could end them. Either way, hypnosis shouldn't work on dark types, because it is a psychic type move and PWO is weird like that. The only pokes really considered any viable threat in PvP that learn it are like.maybe Gengar, Eggs, and Garde (?). If you can't, it's near the end of the game and you have an iffy matchup anyway.

pokemon sleep status catching

If these things kill your pokemon, they're probably switching into you and you can return the favor upon next switch. Most of these you just never see in the metagame, and for the rest if you can't outspeed them on the next switch god save your soul. (Venu, Butter, Vileplume, Venomoth, Victre, Eggs, Jumpluff, Sunflora, etc). The pokemon that have sleep powder (75% acc) are mostly NU or UU in this game aside from a select few. You only see like 3 of those in combat often, and the 3rd is generally banned from PvP.) It's also normal and ghosts would also help here. (It's on Quag, Snorlax, Slowbro, Togetic, slowking, Magcargo, Dunsparce, Kingdra, Slaking, Swalot, Camerupt, Chimeco, and Reli. so it's is basically useless unless a person gets fairly lucky. It's a normal move, meaning ghost types can resist it. (Clefary, Lapras, Altaria, Bliss, and Jynx learn it). Sing is 50%, leaving it a last resort/risky sort of move. Right, but some sleep move accuracies are really low.

Pokemon sleep status catching